The Secret Lives Of Cruise Ship Workers

You’re Constantly Being Watched

Gavin, a waiter who worked for a major cruise line told Mental Floss that Big Brother is super real. In other words: there are cameras literally everywhere. This is mostly for safety as you’re literally on a giant boat in the middle of the ocean. Though the next Titanic is unlikely, crew members may have to review security footage in the event of an emergency.

You’re always being watched

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“It is safe to assume if you are outside of your cabin you are probably on camera,” Gavin said. “In the event of any kind of emergency, they could pull security footage at any time.” While this shouldn’t worry most passengers, still, no one likes to be watched. Especially when you’re trying to relax on vacation in your bathing suit. At least you can have the comfort of knowing that if anything happens, the tapes could help resolve an incident.

Cameras are located everyone on board