These Cat Shaming Moments May Have You Cracking You Up!
We love our little furry ones regardless of the annoying stuff they do like tip over our water glasses, leave "presents" around the house and eat our food when we're not looking, right? Of course we do! But, sometimes these little mistakes call for a more serious form of punishment like internet cat shaming. Check out some of the funniest cat shaming moments you have ever seen.
Cat Nip Fiend

Although it's a little tough to make out, this curious feline found himself pulled into the infectious aroma of catnip and lost all sense of time. Clearly, from the look on his face, he is not too aware of his surroundings other than the fact that he is being shamed by his owner for getting carried away with the "greens."
With the rubble decor accenting the surface of the studio's carpet as clear evidence, this facial expression he seems to be giving us is just too purrfect for words. We really cannot blame him though, we would be equally enticed by such a captivating substance within a paw's reach. Wouldn't you?
Butt Licker, Popcorn Tricker

For anyone that has a cat or cats, it is an everyday occurrence to look over and see them licking their "parts" as if no one is watching. Yes, they may stop the minute you look over at them, but there is no shame since they will continue to clean the area they have chosen whether or not you are aware.
So, this sign comes as no surprise and even though it's really nasty, cats will try to get close to you and your food after they get their "business" taken care of. It's seriously adorable that this little girl attempted to do it when she thought her owner wasn't looking though, bad kitty!
Sibling Rivalry

Oh my gosh, no way! Now, this one is just ridiculous! We have heard of cats peeing on several things, but never a hamster! Poor hamster, hopefully he survived the golden shower and lived to tell the tale to his other hamster friends.
There must be a hint of jealousy in this household, or a general disliking toward the hamster-kind because this little guy must have gone out of his way to do such a thing. Hiding under what appears to be a table or desk, he knows he is in trouble. But, how could you stay mad at that face for too long? We definitely could not.
Hairy Hussy

What a little kitty hussy! This bad girl got out of the house, had her fun and now has a load of responsibility to take care of and no father to help! After a wild night of cat nip, dumpster tipping and irresponsible acts with no protection, this house cat has left her mark on the city.
At least her owner will still help her with her babies, but this post is too funny not to laugh. We have heard of "slut" shaming before, but this seriously takes it to a completely different level. Good thing cats don't use the internet!
No Fear, No Remorse

Would you just look at that face! No remorse, if anything complete disinterest in the fact that he did something wrong like throw up in the fish bowl! Poor fish, though. But, back to this hilarious cat. I guess we should be proud of him on some level that he didn't try to eat the fish, like many would have attempted to do, before he decided to throw up in the fish bowl.
But we cannot decide if we feel worse for the fish or the owner for cleaning up the throw up. Probably the fish; anyone that gets a cat knows there is going to be puke involved at some point.
Always Occupied

When you own a cat, privacy becomes something that you miss most. Wherever you go, the toilet, the fridge or the couch, you will have a furry little friend following you. It is rumored that cats stalk us on the toilet because they cannot understand the concept of the porcelain system compared to the simplicity of their litter box.
Maybe it's the flushing that throws them off, who knows. Although it's a little creepy, somewhat hilarious and a little annoying at times, your kitty is just trying to make sure that you are okay while you take care of "business."
Lazy Boy

When cats catch prey and bring it to their owner, it is a sign of respect and pride. When they pretend to catch it and just drag the three-day-old road kill into the house, it's just hilarious.
This little man must have thought he was being so clever by bringing this to his owner and must struggle to access his hunting instincts if he is willing to go as far as pretending that he caught the already-dead animal. The best part about this one is that he doesn't even know he has been caught, but the rest of the world does!
You Know That's Not A Toy

Most times cats are praised for being self-entertaining animals, but this is where the characteristic can significantly backfire. What does he think he is? A monkey or something?! This is definitely one behavior that needs to be stopped before it gets out of hand, which is probably already is considering he is being publicly shamed on the internet.
Imagine having your cat bring you a toy and dropping their "droppings" right at your feet instead. Gross! But, they probably don't know any better, or you need to get them more toys or show them that the poop should always stay inside of the litter box. Come on now!

Yes, we don't have to take our cats for walks outside and bathe them, but we do however have to keep their litter boxes clean or our beds might suffer as a result. You might get lucky with your little guy, but most cats will show you when you are neglecting to clean their disposal areas with little "gifts" deposited around your room and the house.
But to leave it in the bed? Bleh! That's a bad kitty! The only solution to this is to clean the litter box out and do a better job in the future keeping it clean. Unless you want more surprises between your sheets, and not the good kind.
Showered In Shame

Aw, this poor little baby learned why he's not supposed to jump in the fish tank- the hard way. Although cats knowingly hate water, their love for live fish is obviously far more important in the moment.
Hopefully, after experiencing the freezing cold water in the tank, this little boy learned his lesson. But, judging from the look on his face, he will probably be at the fish hunt again in no time. At least he has some warm blankets to wrap his dampened fur in while he attempts to re-clean himself before the next mission is carried out! And we know it will be soon.
Disgusting Diva

This one is by far the most disgusting of the bunch and worthy of the "cat shaming" hall of fame we have created. Imagine having a squirming, half-dead mouse dropped in YOUR MOUTH by your cat.
There honestly cannot be more a horrifying "gift" scenario than that and this little girl was clearly seeking immediate attention for her efforts. Oh, Diva what a mean little lady you are for doing this to your poor owner. Kill the mouse and drop it at her feet or on the porch like a normal girl, no one asked you go the extra mile on this one in the worst way possible.
All Tied Up

All cats love hair ties, although we're not sure exactly why. Is it the elasticity, the way they bounce and fly in the air, their forgiving textures or just the understanding that moms are always looking for them? Whatever the initial reason is, it is hard to find a cat that doesn't enjoy hoarding and chewing on hair bands.
This bad boy, just like the rest, does not care how precious they are to his mom, though. The "butt face" although adorable to us, is definitely on his mom's last nerve. But, be careful since these little convenient devils can also be choking hazards to the felines!
The Pig Bully

"I punch this cat in the face until she lets me eat her dinner, even after I've already been fed" pretty much sums up the experience of having two cats. We're not totally sure, but we would be willing to guess that this little orange tiger to the left is her older brother.
Being the pig bully that he is, he decides to beat up his sister until she doesn't even want her food, even after he has treated himself to a delicious bowl of food compliments of his owner. What a bad baby! We feel so badly for the little princess on top of the couch, though...
Goldfish Obsession

Those eyes say it all! Ears up, eyes bulging, that expression is dripping with guilt and defeat, but yet the Goldfish still lie at the top of the cat tree comfortable in his possession. We have heard of cats hunting live goldfish, but this is just too cute.
Maybe he sampled a real fish and found that cheese is more along the food groups that he wants to eat. But, all joking aside, it's pretty impressive for a cat to carry an entire bag of treats up the stairs, isn't it? He doesn't even look like a chunky fellow despite his unhealthy diet!
Neighborhood Bully

Cats can sometimes be mean, especially to dogs since they are sworn, mortal enemies (most of the time.) But, this little guy definitely stepped up his game to earning the title of "neighborhood bully" and everyone (dog) knows it.
Those claws, their screams, and the mean jabs can definitely intimidate even the biggest, toughest dogs and do some serious damage. Although we know that they enjoy being a meanie when it comes to the dog, situations like this call for internet cat shaming. We especially enjoy the sandwich board style sign.
The Hair Affair

This naughty kitty forgoes the litter box and pees wherever he wants, apparently. Electronics and appliances are not immune to the power of cat pee and this unfortunate owner knows that all too well.
This cat has ruined the convenience of having their owner's hair dried in an instant by adding the unfortunate consequence of having the air blown out of the dryer smell like cat pee. It's not like the owner could have just washed it off, because that would be an electrical disaster! Let's just hope the owner was able to get a new hair dryer by now.
Daddy's Cat

This cat is a true daddy's cat. They love their male owner so much, that the love from other members of the family does not compare. Unfortunately, the other members of the family have to suffer the consequences of not being as great as Daddy.
The other members of the house must have to tip toe around their cat in order to spend quality time with Daddy. If they get caught, they might have to face the wrath of an incredibly jealous cat who thinks they are the center of Daddy's universe. No one can come between the love a cat has for its owner.
A Free Show

Anyone who has lived with a cat may know this situation all too well, especially if they have a particularly talkative cat. This cat is one example as they have taken to "singing" in the early hours of the morning. Hey, maybe that's when this kitty's vocal chords feel the best!
A lot of cats have the tendency to meow for long periods of time, especially in the wee hours of the morning when everyone is still asleep. Usually, this is to get the owners up so they can have attention, but who knows? It seems like some cats just do things sometimes for no reason in particular, other than the fact that they're cats.
Sock-Stealing Feline

Look this cat. He seems to have it made. He's cute, fluffy, has the sweetest looking face, and appears to even have his very own cat hammock! But don't let his adorable image fool you. He's a total thief!
This elusive sock thief will sneak into your room when you're not looking and before you realize it, all of your socks are missing. You might think you've momentarily gone crazy while rummaging through your sock drawer to find a matching pair but look no further than...the litter box.
The Cheese-Aholic

Who said cats don't eat cheese? This little guy is proving them wrong with this adorable sign claiming that he helped himself to a full block of cheddar cheese. As if his ears weren't saying everything we need to hear, his curved paw that appears to actually be holding the sign his owner made for him is just about the cutest thing you have ever seen.
Of course, seconds later he probably attempted to devour the card whole but hats off to his owner for capturing this rare, hilarious and adorable moment! Bet he will think twice next time he sees cheese on the counter... well, probably not.
The Taste Of Toilet Paper

Cats love to play with things. Especially round-ish things that can extend into longer things. Such is the case for toilet paper, which to a cat's (or any animal, for that matter) amusement is amazing when they discover that the roll when pulled can go on and on. This cat probably discovered toilet paper and had a ball.
Unfortunately, they also ate the toilet paper for some reason, while also probably making a mess of the situation. Hopefully, the owner of this kitty isn't a struggling college student who was trying to make the most out of their last roll!
A Cain And Abel Situation

This little kitty is guilty as charged. Cat owners beware, if you have another pet, watch out for how the cat treats it—especially if the other pet is a fish! This kitten tipped over his fish brother's bowl and when the fish was out, the cat thought he had earned a delicious treat.
We guess that the cat trope is true – cats really like to eat fish. Perhaps this cat knew what he was doing and tipped over the fish bowl with the intent of eating the fish all along! This cat looks guilty, but they're probably not sorry.
Hilarious, But Gross

As hilarious as this situation sounds, it must have been mortifying for the owner. This little guy ate their mommy's ball of yarn, but it came out the other end — slowly. With the now-poopy yarn halfway out of the kitty's butt, the cat must have thought it was more yarn to play with and started chasing it around.
The cat must have chased the yarn so much that all of it eventually left its system, or we hope that's what happened. If the owner had to clean up that poopy mess but also had to take the rest of the yarn out, we're sure they can never look at yarn the same again.
Hide And Seek

Cats are prone to getting themselves into hidden situations. With a proclivity for crawling into cabinets and other tight spaces, it can be really easy to lose track of your cat. Whenever they do this, they sometimes send their owners on long searches all over the house.
Unfortunately, for this owner, the cat did exactly that but when she couldn't find her beloved pet, she began to worry. Of course, the cat locked itself in a cabinet and because the cabinet is locked, the owner wouldn't think to look there. But then again, cats like to get into places you'd least expect them to.
Their Not-So-Hidden Agenda

A lot of people think that cats are evil and it would come as no surprise to many if this turned out to be true. These two kitties are prime examples of that. They must have been plotting to kill since the moment they had entered their owner's home!
We can't say for sure how exactly these cats tried to kill their owner's friend, but the fact that the attempt was even made is cause for great concern. Needless to say, we're sure that friend will think twice about returning to this home because clearly there's someone out there that's out to get them.
The Fake Sincerity

It's often very sweet when your cat shows you affection because everyone knows how hard it is to come by a cat's affection. The owners of this cat must have felt so much better when their cat was showing them love during sick times.
Unfortunately, this kitty was only doing so to get at the used and unused tissues! It's one thing to be sick, but to find out that your kitty has been hoarding your tissues and making a mess of them must make everything worse! The look on this cat's face gives us the impression that he doesn't quite understand what he did wrong.
The Pyromani-Cat

This cat is quite the troublemaker! Not only can she figure her way past "child-proof" oven knobs, but she can also set the house on fire. The fact that they did it "again" tells us that this kitty doesn't know how to learn a lesson! That, or they're pyromaniacs.
This kitty appears to show no remorse at all for what they've done, in fact, they look quite proud of what they did. Let's just hope the owner's homeowners insurance covers fire damage caused by cats! It's a wonder that the cat wasn't even afraid of the fire!
Computer Kitty

This cat apparently knows how to delete files, but you probably wouldn't want them as your secretary. She apparently walked all over her owner's keyboard and somehow moved all the desktop files to the trash. Hopefully, she didn't somehow empty the computer's trash bin, too!
The look on this kitty's face looks like she has no idea of what she's done or how bad that situation turns out to be. But we can't be fooled by the kitty's big, sad eyes because now we know to keep out cats away from our important work. That, or you should always have an external hard drive on hand.
He Was Probably Curious About The Taste

So you spend all Thanksgiving morning tolling away at the dinner to happen later. As the pumpkin pie you worked so hard on is baking, you cleaned the house, getting your carpet as white as possible to avoid any criticism from your mother. Then, the pies are done and so are you. You can now relax until dinner, until...
You find that your cat got its paws on your special pumpkin pie. Great. Not only did they sample half of the pie, they decided that it wasn't exactly their taste so they decided to throw it all up on your newly cleaned carpet. Thanks, cat. For nothing.
The Cat Who Stole Christmas

Freya the Cat must not be one to enjoy the holidays. Apparently, Freya ate all the figurine villagers that go along with her owner's Christmas village display. Freya must have thought the helpless villagers were real people and because they were small, she decided that she had more power over them.
Nothing could stop Freya from proving her dominance over humans that she was finally bigger than! Unfortunately, for Freya's owners, Christmas is a little less jolly. Sure, Freya looks a little guilty here because she's being put on the spot, but you can be sure that she got a lump of coal for Christmas that year.
Just One Of The Dogs

There are some cats that actually get along with their canine counterparts. When this happens, both animals take on characteristics and habits of the other. We suppose this cat took to drinking out of the toilet just like dogs do. Gross!
It's a wonder how the cat is even able to pull that off since they have a tendency to fall into things. But this cat must enjoy and prefer the taste of toilet water over fresh water since they seem to have no shame over the fact that they quench their thirst from the porcelain throne.
The Reason For No Pet Policies

When some landlords, fortunately, allow their tenants to have pets, the tenants need to be sure that their pets are destructive little monsters. We're not saying that this particular kitty is a monster, but apparently, they're the reason that their owners might not be getting the security deposit back when they move out.
As evidenced by the part of the blinds that are missing and the fact that this kitty is hiding behind his bad deed, it would be safe to assume that what the owner wrote about this cat is true. There's really no way around it at this point, but this is exactly the reason why landlords don't let their tenants have pets in the first place.
Cat Apple Pie, Anyone?

The look on this cat's face says it all. They're guilty as charged and there's evidence to prove it. As cute as it is to see the little paw indentations on the otherwise perfect pie, you can bet that the owner was pretty dismayed to see that the pie was sabotaged by their own pet.
But this kitty saw some chicken and she just had to have it. So not only did she ruin the apple pie, she ate the chicken too. At least this kitty looks a little guilty, but we're sure she's satisfied that she got a taste of the good stuff.
Pond Has No Regrets

This cat's name is Pond. Look at Pond. He looks like he knows what he did and does not care one bit. The look on his face says, "Yeah, I ate your paper. There's nothing you can do about it because I already did it." Oh, Pond. What will we do with you?
We hope that Pond's owner had a backup of that thesis paper! Because surely, that would be an easy fix. All they would need to do is reprint it and turn it in. But the fact that Pond had his way with the paper just minutes before it was to be turned in is truly shameful.
The Hat Of Shame

Cats are very curious creatures, as we all know. And when they don't meet their fate because of their curiosity (because you know what they say), owners will find ways to punish them anyway when their curiosity leads them to do something despicable.
Unfortunately, for this kitty, wondering what their owner's toothbrush tastes like warrants the hat of shame. Nobody wants their animal's mouth to be touching the same tool we use to clean our own mouths! Especially when said animal uses its own mouth to clean its entire body. The cat knows it's done wrong. It does not seem to enjoy this hat.
The Fakest Cat Around

Meet Otto. He is a tiny black cat with huge, adorable eyes. Doesn't he look like a kitty that you want to love? Well, he's only appearing that way for now, but don't you dare try to make friends with Otto. Why? Because he really doesn't like you. It's a little hard to see, but Otto's deal is that he bites whoever tries to pet him!
So don't let the adorable kitty eyes fool you, Otto is not a nice kitty. One wonders what can win Otto over. A kitty treat? A ball of yarn? Cat nip, maybe? Many have tried and all have failed, but no one can win over the likes of Otto.
When Curiosity Literally Almost Killed The Cat

This is one cat that truly looks ashamed and we can be sure that they are. What they did was so bad that it earned them a trip to the vet! This cat apparently ate some Advil and because Advil is not for cats, you can bet that the consequences of such curiosity were pretty bad.
Not only did the owner have to take the cat to the vet (which we're sure the cat did not enjoy), they also had to pay for their cat's dumb mistake. A mistake that cost a whopping $2,000! At least the kitty is better and seemingly in good health now. Let's just hope it learned its lesson.
The Kitty Who Had No Control

This cat looks mad. Why? Because you just exposed him for his feral tendencies and probably disturbed him in the middle of the act. His owner doesn't seem too happy about it either, considering the fact that they just shamed their cat for getting caught in the act!
He probably has already got his paws on all the blankets in the house and now none of the blankets can be used comfortably knowing that this cat has had his way with them. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like this kitty is going to stop anytime soon. He's just waiting for you to leave him to his business.
This Kitten Prefers PC

Most pets like to chew on things and unfortunately, in this day and age, those things are our precious computer and phone cables. This is exactly the case for this kitty, who apparently has it out for all things Apple. Not really though, jokes her owner, who clarifies that this kitty only has a taste for her iPod charger in particular.
This owner shamed their kitty at a good time too—while she was sleeping. So it's not easy to tell if this kitty feels guilty or not. But needless to say, this owner should probably put away the iPod charger when it's not in use. But also, who even has an iPod these days?!
The Sausage Thief

This is Benny the Cat. Benny looks pretty sad here. Why? Because his owner just outed him as a sausage thief. The look on Benny's face shows us total remorse, as he closes his eyes in shame over what he has done.
He's probably trying to avoid eye contact because if Benny was being honest, those sausages were the best steal he has had in a while. Benny is guilty, yes, but that doesn't mean the sausages didn't taste any less delicious. It's okay Benny. The fact that you look sorry for what you did has us forgiving you this time.
The Scavenger

Look at this cat. The look on its face says, "Yes, I just did this. What are you going to do about it? Oh yeah, that's right. Nothing. All you can do is clean up my mess and deal with it. Because I own you."
That is probably exactly what this cat is thinking after overturning the trash can and scattering its contents all over the carpet. This cat shows no remorse for what it's done because it knows that its owner is just going to clean up the mess and it won't get punished. After all, this is an everyday occurrence and if there were no repercussions the first time, what's to stop him from doing it again?
The Surprise Attack

Now this is just cruel. How could this kitty do this to their owner? Their owner is just doing their job, cleaning up after the cat and in doing so, they still get punished. This just goes to show that some pets are still feral by nature and will have their animal instincts take over!
This cat doesn't even look sorry about what it did to its poor owner. The look on its face tells us, "Yeah I attacked my owner. And I'll do it again if I feel like it. So don't provoke me." Just look at the crooked look in its eyes!
A Minor Inconvenience

First of all, let us just start by saying this cat was up to typical cat hijinks. He stereotypically got his little paws on a mouse, whose life he apparently decided to spare. Despite his good deed, things still took a turn for the mischievous when this cat decided to put said mouse in the household toilet, leaving it there to squirm and swim its way around the toilet bowl.
This came at the expense of his owner's horror, who somehow decided not to do anything about the mouse and forgo the toilet for the bathtub. This cat clearly doesn't see anything wrong with his actions, just look at the confused look on his interestingly adorable face!
The Relapse

This cat suffers from a bad habit of bringing in its trophy kills to the house. The owners got him to quit for a while and it was going pretty good. But 40 days later this cat had a taste of his vice and killed an unfortunate lizard. So proud of his kill, he decided to bring it inside to show his owners, who were less than impressed.
This cat doesn't care that his owners are dismayed at his discretions. Just look at the expression of joy and satisfaction on its face! This cat will do it again and again because his thirst for the kill is insatiable and one that you cannot get him off of too easily.
A Taste Like No Other

Thank God for the "–ER" at the end of the last word on this sign, although we wouldn't be surprised if this kitty is prone to licking unmentionable regions because, you know, cats will be cats. But still, we can't help but be a little mortified that this cat likes to taste the family supply of butter because who's to say where else this kitten's mouth has been?
She doesn't even look guilty about it either. This cat looks proud, in fact, with a stance that says, "Yes, I lick the butter. You can shame me for it, but I'll do it again. Butter is so good." Yes, cat. We will have to agree with you, but butter is not for cats.
Unwelcome To Change

Meet Spider. Spider was not too happy when his owner's boyfriend came to move in with them. Spider expressed his dismay over the new roommate in a very special way. What better way to protest than by leaving a special gift for the new roommate on his laptop and shoes? Oh, Spider, what are we ever going to do with you?
Whether or not Spider's protests worked out, we can be sure that this cat is not ashamed for what he did. He is probably not too happy that he will no longer be getting all the attention anymore. But look at it this way Spider. You have a new human to love you!
Food So Good, You'll Want To Eat It Twice

At least, that's what this kitty thinks about her daily meals. Unfortunately, the way she goes about enjoying her food doesn't please her owner. But can you blame a cat for actually loving her own cat food? She probably loves to eat and just can't handle herself when you give her a fresh scoop of the good stuff.
Eating so fast probably isn't good for this kitty's digestive system, which is why she throws it up. But when she does, she probably thinks nothing of it and since it smells like the delicious food she just ate, she probably thinks it's just more for the taking. Gross!
Basketball Kitty

This kitten probably has a thing for basketball. How else would you explain her inclination to keep tossing her owner's household items into the toilet? She's probably just trying to perfect her shoot!
This little game is probably oodles of fun for her owner, who has to fish these items out of the toilet every time the kitty does this. The innocent look on the kitten's eyes reveals that she doesn't quite understand that she's doing anything wrong. She's probably looking for you to remove that incriminating sign because it's blocking her shot.
Money Hungry

This cat knows what it's done and it couldn't be sorrier. He ate 300 dollars that was probably going to pay his owner's next month's rent. He probably got quite a talking to, because the look on his little kitty face shows nothing but guilt and remorse.
The cat clearly can't help himself around paper, as you can see from the chewed up corner of the incriminating note. That only emphasizes the fact that this kitten has a problem with paper and he must be stopped! Too bad there's no way to recover that $300. Let's just hope this cat enjoyed his expensive meal.
The Botched Cover Up

At least this cat tried to hide his crimes. That tells us that he knows when he has done something bad. But doing something worse to cover up for your bad thing? We don't even know where to begin.
This cat looks somewhat guilty over ruining his owner's carpet in order to bury his own vomit. But despite admitting guilt, this cat looks less than overjoyed at the fact that he's being shamed for something he already knows was the wrong thing to do. He's probably wishing his owner would get over the shaming and just clean it all up so he can go do it again.
Double Trouble

These two kitties know how to double team and because there are two of them, they're twice as troublesome. While one kitty clearly has a problem with ripping out its own fur (ouch!) and should probably see a kitty psychologist, the other kitty at least tried to help its brother out by getting rid of the crime.
Unfortunately eating all that fur does not sit well and all their troubles are revealed. At least these two cats know the meaning of teamwork but they should probably put their efforts toward a greater cause that have nothing to do with ruining their cat mom's shoes.
The Cat Who Cried Wolf

This cat must be related to the Opera cat from a couple slides back! Why? Because apparently, this kitten is one for making a lot of noise too! Apparently, this cat meows so loud and desperately that it sounds like a cry for help. Even the neighbors were concerned, which caused the owner to get a couple looks from the leasing office.
The owner probably had an awkward time explaining that her cat is just being obnoxious and she is not a cruel animal abuser. This cat doesn't even look ashamed because all the attention she probably wanted an audience!
The Peeping Tom-Cat

This cat likes to look at you as you are doing your personal business in the toilet. She probably hides behind the shower curtain and waits for her next victims to do their duty. It's incredibly creepy, yes, but this cat probably doesn't understand the nuance of the uncomfortable situation that it is causing for the human.
Perhaps there is an explanation for all this, though. Maybe the cat is staring at whoever is using the toilet because it is wondering why a human is sitting on its unlimited water bowl, which is just as gross!
Cookie Stealing Cat

This cat has an inclination for theft. Its favorite thing to steal? Fresh cookies! Apparently, this cat is known for eating baked goods fresh out of the oven as they are cooling on the counter. This is probably very troublesome for its owners who just want a sweet treat to enjoy for themselves!
This cat isn't even sorry about it either, as you can tell by the way it is nonchalantly relaxing on the couch and licking the last bits of those cookies off its paws. It was a delicious steal, indeed, and this kitty is waiting for your next batch to come out.
Caught In The Act

This cat's owner shamed him with three simple words: "I break blinds." To add insult to injury, the owner caught his cat in the act of said crime. But does the cat look guilty? Is the cat ashamed at the terror it causes on the innocent window treatments of the owner's home? Not in the slightest.
This cat is just going to keep gnawing off pieces of the blinds for its own chewing enjoyment and it's going to have a lot of fun doing so. Cat toys are nothing when you have some thin, white blinds to play with!

This is Sanka. Sanka's favorite movie must be Caddyshack because Sanka has a thing for killing gophers. According to the shame sign its owner wrote out, Sanka killed a gopher and ate half of it. Sanka left the uneaten half of the gopher by its owner's bedroom door as a gift. Then Sanka threw up the eaten half of the gopher above the uneaten half. Oh, and Sanka left a dead lizard in its owner's laundry.
We feel pretty bad for Sanka's owner, who apparently has to deal with all these dead animals. We're sure that this happens on a regular basis.
A Cat-Tastrophic Calendar

This cat's crime is admittedly pretty hilarious. After using the litter box, this kitty apparently didn't finish its business all the way through because they felt an itch they just had to scratch out. Unfortunately, the item that received said scratching was the owner's calendar, who got evidence of the kitty's unfinished business all over the month of October.
Gross? Yes. But hilarious? Also yes. This cat looks like it knows it did something wrong and is guilty over that, but it also looks like it doesn't understand what it has done wrong. For that, the owner shouldn't be too mad. But they'll probably need to get a new calendar.
Hair Tie Stealer

Whether you're a cat person or not, you have got to give it to our feline friends for finding cheap ways to entertain themselves. You could buy your cat the most luxurious cat tree or costly toy, and they'll still likely opt to play with a piece of string.
One common household thing cats tend to enjoy playing with are hair ties. But this cute cat's form of entertainment seems to have turned into an obsession with eating them. Unfortunately for his owner, it landed this cat in the hospital twice for surgery to remove the hair ties! While we're sure his owner is happy he is ok, they probably aren't too happy about those vet bills.
Cat Thief

Cats are cute and cuddly (well, sometimes), which is why it's so dang easy for them to get away with mischievous behavior. But sometimes, enough is enough! Take this feline for example, who was caught red pawed stealing things and hiding them in inconvenient under the oven.
While a cat hiding things could potentially be considered cute, this cat's owner was clearly fed up, which makes us wonder exactly what they were stealing and hiding. Hopefully it was just hair ties or rubber bands and not something more important!
This Cat Draws Blood

This might be one of the most intense cat-shaming moments on the list. This feline has seriously been up to no good and looks to be very guilty...or maybe just asleep. In this instance, the sign of shame speaks for itself—just read below.
"I'm a guest for 2 weeks. The blood above is from a host cat I mauled. I stood on the babysitter's laptop, broke it, and now his rent will be late. I still want to sit in the babysitter's lap and I expect lots of affection from him."
Scaredy Cat

While most felines jump at the chance to catch a free-roaming mouse scurrying outside or about the house, some are lazy, not agile, or (for lack of better words) scaredy-cats! This shameful cat falls into that group. When a mouse got into the house, he didn't fulfill his cat duties. Instead, he watched as the mouse ate his food! Oh well, can't be good at everything.
The life of a cat is pretty easy. You're born adorable, get pet whenever you want, and can pretty much just nap all day. But cats do have one dirty job they are responsible for—catching mice.
Poop Packer

Some cats just don't like visitors. No matter how friendly the visitor is or how eager they are to offer belly rubs and affection...some cats will never be ok with outsiders entering their territory. So, when this cat's owner had a friend visit, this feline made sure the visitor knew how he felt about their presence.
Instead of biting, scratching, or relentlessly meowing at the visitor, this cat took an even lower blow and pooped right in their suitcase...twice! We don't think they will be visiting again anytime soon.
Birds Are Friends, Not Food

One of the worst experiences a pet owner can have is coming home only to find your pet has brought you an offering...of the dead animal variety. While presenting us with a dead animal is an act of love, it's not something we're exactly excited to be gifted.
This cute cat brought his owner one of these "gifts" a few too many times—so many times in fact that their owner fashioned a wearable sign that reads, "Bird are friends, not food!" on it. Not only does the sign interfere with this cat's hunting skills, but he also looks plain silly wearing it!
Litter Box Paws

No matter how many times you refill your cat's water dish, when they need to quench their thirst they will prefer your glass of water 100 percent of the time. It's science, and all cat owners should accept it.
If you've ever been a victim of litter box paw water, you know how terrible it is. You take a sip of water and are greeted with the gritty texture of litter and the feeling of disgust overtakes your body. It's happened to best of us every now and then. And while we can scold our cats to the end of time, it's probably easier to make the switch to a water bottle.
Get Your Dingleberries Off The Pillow Please

Cats seemingly love to ruin everything we love. Just kidding. Kind of. For real though, how many times have you had one of your valuables ruined by your furry companion? Whether it was a corn that became a snack or your favorite piece of clothing that was mistaken for the litter box—there come a time when every pet owner will experience this.
This cat's favorite thing to ruin? Pillows. And his favorite weapon of choice? No, it's not his teeth. It's...dingleberries. And according to this shameful sign, it seems as if it's a recurring issue. Time to get new pillow covers!
Rat Cat

One thing cats are responsible for is catching mice if they happen to get in the home. One thing cats are not responsible or is bringing rats inside to play with. According to the shameful sign, this cat clearly didn't get the memo.
Apparently, this cat caught a rat outside and proceeded to bring it indoors. As if this wasn't disgusting enough, when his owner threw the rat outside, the cat went and re-caught it! To top it all off, the cat ate half the rat's body but made sure to leave the other half outside of mom's bedroom! Gross.
Q-Tips Are Not A Snack

Why is it that no matter how nice their food is, cats still love to rummage through the garbage and snack on whatever is inside? While some cats aren't as intrigued by the garbage, other cats will take every chance they get to ransack the trash.
Take this cutie for example, who seems to be a serial garbage-rummager. His snack f choice thought? Q-tips! He even takes it a step further and puts the used Q-tips (eeeww) in his food dish. Perhaps he thinks the Q-tips aren't noticeable if they're in his food dish. Spoiler alert: they are!
The Messy Eater

In a perfect world, cats would quietly eat their scent-free food in an orderly fashion. They would always drink directly from their own water dish rather than your glass of water, and they would never miss the litter box. We don't live in a perfect though and the reality is actually the exact opposite of all that.
This cat is a prime example of a complicated eater. Not only does his shameful sign exclaim how he eats too fast, but it details that he frequently makes himself puke. While this owner is rightfully annoyed, this method of feeding is pretty clever!
Watch Out. I Bite!

This cute cat was called out for his deceitfully bad behavior. It's no surprise that not all cats like having visitors in their home. But while most cost will be upfront about their disdain for house guests, this cat prefers a little trickery.
Rather than shun guests from the get-go, this cat apparently tricks them into thinking he actually likes them. Then, when they get close enough and try to pet him, he bites! Remind us to never visit this feline's home.
Houseplant Killer

Houseplants are already hard to keep alive, especially for those of us who weren't born with a green thumb. This cat owner had an even bigger obstacle to overcome with their houseplants though, and his name is Ozzy.
Apparently, Ozzy wants to make sure his owner has zero nice things—including houseplants. We can't really put all the blame on Ozzy though. After all, cats are used to seeing plants outside, so Ozzy likely thought the house plants were fair game to dig through and snack on.
This Cat Is A Raiders Fan

Cats do the strangest things sometimes. Like this cat, who prefers to get a little too close for comfort to the blankets in the house. Even worse, while he's doing the deed, he insists on making direct eye contact with his owner. Talk about awkward.
Apparently, this owner had enough of their cat's less-than-appropriate behavior and decided to shame them for all of the internet to see. By the look on this cat's face though, he's not going to give up the blankets anytime soon!
I'm A Failure

This list has seen quite a few cats who failed at fulfilling their mouse-catching duties and this guy is no different. Rather than catching the mouse that was scurrying about the bathroom, this cat deemed it was too exhausting to cat the rodent.
Instead, he decided it was best to not exert of his energy and opted to poop in his litter box instead of catching the mouse. Perhaps this kitty isn't a failure and chooses a peaceful life instead!
Say Goodbye To The Security De-paws-it

For those of us who rent apartments or homes, we know how stressful security deposits are. First of all, security deposits aren't cheap and are usually the cost of one month's rent. Second, keeping the apartment or house in tip-top shape to get the security deposit back is tough too!
Getting your security deposit back can feel next to impossible if you have a cat—like this furry guy in the photo above. He clearly prefers to sit on the windowsill to watch passer-bys. The only problem was that those pesky blinds were getting in his way. No problem for this guy though, who simply chewed them off. Sorry about your security deposit, mom!
Toilet Water Cat Strikes Again

Why is it that no matter how often you fill up your cat's water bowl, it's never quite good enough for them? Why do cats always prefer your personal glass of water? Or worse, why do some cats prefer to quench their thirst from the toilet bowl?!
This cat clearly prefers the latter, and seems to have been caught numerous times drinking water from where he shouldn't! We guess his owner needs to be diligent about putting the toilet seat down!
Don't Let Those Eyes Fool You

Just look at this cat! Her beautiful eyes! her pert ears! Those cute whiskers! The little paws! She's just too stinkin' cute. So cute that it's almost hard to believe she could ever do anything wrong. But don't let her adorable looks fool you!
This feisty kitten likes to resolve disputes with her sister by biting. She bit her sister's tail so hard in fact that she needed to go to the vet for care. Let's hope she's been working out her anger management issues since!
The $4,000 Meal

If you're a pet owner, more than likely you have come home to find your furry friend has eaten something they shouldn't have. Cats are notorious for getting into places they don't belong, like the kitchen counter where that pie you worked so hard on is cooling...
But while some cats like to eat their human's food or chew on hair ties, this cat had an appetite for something a little more expensive. We can only imagine how stressed out this owner was to come home and find their cat had eaten their long-awaited tax return check! While we're sure they were able to resolve the issue, you can't erase the look of shame on this cat's face!