These Women Adopt Cats And Take Them On Adventures

The Right Equipment


In order to keep Bolt and Keel as comfortable as possible on their adventures, Gumbley and VanderRee have stocked up on all the equipment these cats need. The cats each have their own sleeping bags, which they’ve abandoned in favor of sleeping on top of VanderRee and Gumbley.

Bolt and Keel also have tiny life jackets, harnesses, and leashes. Sometimes their owners dress them in sweaters, coats, or rain jackets to keep them out of the elements, but they can always save a safe spot inside VanderRee or Gumbley’s jacket. If you want to take your own pets on adventures, be just as prepared. Also, be sure to bring food and water for your pets, and stay up to date on shots.

Two Healthy Kittens


When Gumbley and VanderRee returned from their first adventure, they were convinced the cats would fit with their busy lifestyles, but there was still one essential step. They had to take Bolt and Keel to the vet. There they found out that Bolt, the fluffier kitten, and Keel, the shorthair cat, were most likely brothers.

Luckily, even though they had been abandoned, the veterinarian found that they were both in good health. With plenty of sunshine, fresh air, adventures, and hikes through the forest, they’re likely to stay that way for a long time. What lucky cats!