After Internet Infamy, Where Are These Viral Celebs Now?

Viral celebs, oh how they come and go so quickly. Our obsession with them turns these digital hopefuls into household names. From Chris Crocker pleading for the world to leave Britney Spears alone to an innocent little boy who was just trying to express his love for turtles—sometimes these celebs were fishing for fame, while some of them were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Some try to hide their identity and stay out of the spotlight, while others embrace their celebrity status and milk it for all it’s worth.

You knew them back then, but if you’ve ever wondered where they are now, keep reading to find out.

Hide Yo Kids, Hide Yo Wife…

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In 2010, Antoine Dodson gave an unforgettable interview regarding an intruder that attempted to break into his home at the Lincoln Park housing project in Huntsville, Alabama. His very enthusiastic (and intense) reaction, on top of his now famous phrase “hide yo kids, hide yo wife” led him to become an internet sensation overnight.

As if the interview didn’t attract enough attention, it also inspired several musical remixes. Some of the remixes were massively successful and helped Antoine move he and his family out of the projects, while also making him an internet star and a local celebrity in Huntsville.