Top Gun Exposed: Onset Secrets They Didn’t Want Out

The Memory of Art Scholl

In the movie Top Gun, there is a pivotal scene that involved a jet plane getting hit with fire, and beginning to descend into a crash, forcing both the pilots to eject from the plane. One of the pilots gets thrust into the plane during the ejection, and is killed before he even hits the ocean.

Art Scholl.jpg

The film Top Gun is dedicated to Art Scholl, a famous stunt pilot who was killed at 53 years of age during the production of the movie in when his plane went into a tailspin and crashed into the Pacific Ocean, near San Diego County. Scholl had also flown stunts in other famous movies, such as The Right Stuff and Blue Thunder and Baa Baa Black Sheep.

Stars Wars on Earth”

Top Gun’s genesis was from an article in California magazine in 1983 is based on an article called “Top Guns” that appeared in California magazine in 1983. The article followed the TOPGUN fighter pilots at the Miramar Naval Air Station, located in San Diego, self-nicknamed as “Fightertown USA.”


Producer Jerry Bruckheimer read and loved the piece, and pitched it to his then producing partner, Don Simpson, as “Star Wars on Earth”. After numerous scriptwriters turned down the project, Jim Cash and Jack Epps, Jr. were hired to write the movie. The final movie script is said to be very different than the draft turned in by Cash and Epps at the time.