Surprising Secrets About Flying That Will Change The Way You Fly

Be Nice To Check-In Staff

Myanmar Airlines

It is not a smart thing to do to be rude or disgusting to a check-in staff person. They have the ability to determine where you sit. If you’re a jerk and there’s a slew of babies on board, they just might sit you right in the thick of the crying and fussing. Even if they smile to your face once you have been rude to them, you don’t know what is awaiting you on that plane.

Airlines Sometimes Pay the Difference

In the airplane.

If you are ever put in a position where your flight is delayed and you have to switch flight carriers, don’t fret. The original airline will cover the cost that the new airline might have tallied in because they have to, not because they are nice. Meaning if there is only a first class seat left, then it is yours free of charge.