What To Consider When Buying A Home Security System

Home security systems provide peace of mind while protecting your family and personal belongings from potential intruders. These systems are often easy to install, provide backup power in the event of a blackout, and connect directly with emergency first response units who can assist you in your most dire times of need.

Stop Burglars At A Rate You Probably Don't Expect

There are many reasons to purchase a home security system but the most obvious is general security against burglars. The team at Simon Hakim/Erwin Blackstone revealed that homes with security systems are 2.7 times less likely to be burglarized than homes that don't feature some type of added protection. That means simple installing a best-rated home security system can save you money and perhaps even your life.

Burglars often scope out homes to determine where the easiest burglary can be committed. This means they look for security system signs in your yard and attempt to determine if you've actually installed extra measures that could lead to their quick capture.

Get To Safety As Quickly As Possible

Even with an installed security system, there is still the possibility that a criminal will try to enter your home. These systems send out loud alerts that can help wake you from slumber. Putting in place an emergency plan can ensure you and your loved ones get to a safe place in your home while the authorities are alerted.

Fire And Carbon Monoxide Protection As An Added Bonus

We often associate home security systems only with stopping criminals in their tracks. In reality, these systems often provide for fire monitoring services. Whether you are asleep in bed or away from the home, a home security system can alert emergency services that a fire has broken out which requires immediate assistance. Many of the newer systems in a home can even alert homeowners to the source of heat so they can avoid those areas while making their escape. These systems also often provide carbon monoxide protection, adding another layer of safety.

Protect Your Valuables

Industry estimates vary but it's commonly accepted that the average loss of a home burglary is $1,700. Every year in the United States more than 3.7 million burglaries occur and American homeowners lose $3.1 billion according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics. From TVs to jewelry, criminals can make off with hundreds and even thousands of dollars before you have time to realize what's occurring.

Home Monitoring When You Can't Be There

With burglary, fire, and carbon monoxide tools at your disposal, you'll only find value in protecting your home if someone is watching out for you. Home security systems provide 24/7 monitoring. If a fire breaks out, emergency services are called, if a burglar attempts to enter your home when you're on vacation, the police are called. As an added bonus, if a carbon monoxide alarm sounds and you're in a deep slumber, emergency services will show up and make sure you and your family are safe and sound.

Monitor Your Home In Real-Time

With the invention of mobile phones, many home security system providers now allow homeowners to see inside their home and receive alerts about any issues directly from their smartphone, tablet, or the computer. Simply log into your account and you can view video footage and receive reports.

Home Owners Save Money On Their Insurance Rates

Did you know that simply having a 24/7 emergency services product in your home can save you money on homeowners insurance? Since someone is monitoring your home at all times, you are considered a lower risk customer. The amount you save depends on your coverage and carrier but can easily equal a 10% to 20% annual savings.

From home security monitoring against criminals to fire and carbon monoxide monitoring all the way to real-time viewing of your home, the peace of mind associated with a home security system makes it a smart investment decision.

References: Simon Hakim/Erwin Blackstone, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Allstate