A Fulfilled Life Is Just A Combination Of Hilarious Little Victories

Birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, births, and new employment opportunities are all things to celebrate, but they don’t happen very often. If you rely on big events for happiness than you’re probably not a very happy person, to begin with.

It’s the little things that happen in everyday life that make or break your mood. If you had a good year, it’s because a lot of small happenings added up over time. The happiest people in the world are the ones who can appreciate not tripping on a curb for an entire day, or drinking milk without leaving you with a mustache.

Coming up, someone comes up with a brilliant idea to combat stepping on Lego blocks.

Nothing Beats A S’More


Sometimes trying a certain food can change the entire path of your life. For this little girl, the S’More she is currently enjoying for the first time is completely turning her life around. She was heading down the wrong path, but this gooey treat got her woke and applying to med school.