Celebrities Who Participated In The Women’s March
Celebrities came out in force for the Women’s March on January 23rd, the day after Inauguration Day when President Donald Trump was sworn in. They also stirred up more than their fair share of controversy and scandal. Ashley Judd recited the controversial “Nasty Woman” poem and set off all kinds of firestorms, but Madonna was even booed for her passionate words about bombing the White House, for which she quickly apologized.

We now know that outside of the march in D.C. millions of people — men, women, and children — all marched in various locations both in the U.S. and around the world. And, many of the men and women who participated made it clear that this was not the end- it was only the beginning of taking action, protesting, and protecting the rights and people they hold dear. Click through to see which stars took action.