As Soon As This Couple’s Adoptive Triplets Were Born, They Received Unbelievable News
Sarah and Andy Justice didn't have the most straightforward journey to becoming parents. After spending years trying to conceive, they went through a rollercoaster experience to become adoptive parents. Little did they know just how much their patience would pay off in the end. To top it off, they received unbelievable news as soon as their adoptive children were born. Read on to see how this Oklahoma couple ended up with the family of their dreams.
Ready To Take Their Relationship To The Next Step

The Justice's were your average, happily married couple living in Oklahoma. After celebrating their three-year wedding anniversary, they knew that it was time to grow their family. Like many couples, they felt that a child would complete their household.
Sarah and Andy Justice were excited to embark on a new chapter in their lives. It seemed that conceiving a child would be a life-changing journey and they were ready for it. As it turned out, things wouldn't go as planned.
For Years, They Couldn't Conceive

Though Sarah and Andy wanted to conceive a child, they struggled to. For years they attempted to get pregnant, but every test came back reading "no." After three years, they were worn out from the process.
The difficulty even put a strain on their marriage. The once-happy couple was beginning to grow tense as their dream of conceiving a child started slipping away. Eventually, the Justice's decided it was time to talk to an expert.
They Drove To Another State To Find A Specialist

The idea of talking to a fertility doctor seemed a lot more simple in theory. As Sarah and Andy would discover, their location made this more of a feat than they'd anticipated.
They started doing research and found that there wasn't a doctor who specialized in fertility anywhere near where they lived. At last, they found one in Missouri, which meant they would have to travel to a different state to look into their conceiving options.
A Long Drive To Disappointing Results

Sarah and Andy decided to drive the distance from their home in Tulsa, Oklahoma to the fertility doctor in St. Louis, Missouri. The trip would take six hours to complete, one way.
Once they arrived, Sarah underwent fertility treatment. Unfortunately, the additional aid didn't work and they found themselves, once again, without a bun in the oven. Rather than leaving it at that, the couple decided to look into more options. They were determined to conceive.
A Different Approach To Conception

After still being unable to conceive, the couple started discussing other options with the fertility doctor including the possibility of in-vitro fertilization, commonly called IVF. The doctor determined that they were both physically capable of trying the procedure.
However, the costly process would only offer them a 10% chance of conceiving. To top it off, Sarah would have to go through hormone treatments for months before they could even try the procedure. The couple wasn't sure it would be worth it.
The Cost Was Just Too High

The Oklahoma couple had a hard time wrapping their heads around paying well over $10,000 for IVF. Being that it would give them such low odds of conceiving, it didn't seem worth it.
Though having a child that was biologically theirs was a dream, they knew that the chances were slim in their case. Sarah and Andy decided that the financial risk wasn't something they wanted to take, especially since they still had other options.
Looking Into Adoption Instead

After all the Justice's had been through, they were ready to throw in the towel when it came to conceiving. It seemed as though Andy and Sarah just weren't meant to be parents in that way.
However, they did have an option that would guarantee they could have children, so long as they got through the application process. The couple turned to adoption, which meant they would also have to prove themselves as prospective parents.
The Process Was Going To Take A While

One thing that sometimes causes couples to pause at the idea of adoption is that it's such a long process. After already spending several years trying to conceive, Andy and Sarah may have to spend a few more going through the adoption process.
Despite the thorough and lengthy process, the Justice's knew that it would all be worth it in the end. They wanted nothing more than to become parents, but they would soon run into yet another hurdle.
The Anxiety Of Being Evaluated

The reason that adoption can be such a long process is that the prospective parents have to go through a long and strenuous evaluation. This includes having their home inspected by the adoption agency.
Even if your home is perfect to bring a child into, it can be nerve-wracking to have someone analyze you and your property. Additionally, the couple would face interviews with carrying mothers who were considering putting their baby up for adoption.
They Were Picked To Adopt A Newborn!

Sarah and Andy went through the evaluation and interview process as level headed as possible. Their efforts paid off when they received news that they were selected by an expecting mother!
The couple was ecstatic as they realized they were officially going to become parents. They stayed in close contact with the birth mother throughout her pregnancy, making sure that she felt supported and appreciation for the new addition. But then everything changed.
Multiple Setbacks In A Row

The first mother who was set to give their baby up to Andy and Sarah for adoption ended up canceling at the last minute. Fortunately, it didn't take long for the couple to match with a new birth mother.
They had to go through another round of interviews to find their next match, but then she also backed out unexpectedly. Their bad luck conceiving seemed to carry over into the adoption process as well.
Two Crushing Blows

The most difficult part for the couple was being with the birth mothers every step of the way, and ultimately not getting their side of the deal. At the same time, they had to understand what the women were going through.
It's never easy deciding to give your bundle of joy up for adoption. At the same time, their experience was making it a tough road to adoption. Still, the couple clung to their desire to be parents.
Discouraged But Hopeful

The rollercoaster of emotions that the Justice's had been through left them feeling a little out of sorts. Still, they persisted because they were motivated to bring a child into their lives no matter what it would take.
Sarah and Andy also pushed forward because they had already spent several years on this journey. To end it now would make every step along the way seem like wasted efforts. It's a good thing they persisted because their luck was about to turn around.
The Third Birth Mother Wasn't Like The First Two

After all they had been through, the Justice's were relieved to discover that a third mother had picked them to care for her expecting child. At the same time, their experience had made them savvy enough to not get their hopes up.
They were still joyful to have the option to become parents, but they were well aware that it wouldn't be official right away. Sure enough, there was another surprise with this birth mother, but it wasn't like the first two.
They Attended An Ultrasound With The Birth Mother

As with the first two birth mothers, Andy and Sarah were as supportive as they could be of the expecting woman. The couple bonded so much with the birth mother, that they even attended an ultrasound with her.
The Justice's couldn't wait to catch their first glimpse of the child they were on track to raise. But when the doctor pulled up the image, something incredible happened. Everyone sat in awe as they learned it wasn't one on the way, but three!
It Seemed The Triplets Were Meant To Be

Sarah, Andy, and the birth mother could hardly believe their eyes. Triplets were on the way! The Justices realized that the first two mothers who changed their decision last minute were a vital part of their journey to becoming parents.
It seemed that the couple was meant to parent these triplets all along! They were so excited over the news that they began preparing for three children instead of just one. The delivery date couldn't arrive fast enough.
An Expedited Adoption Process

Sarah and Andy knew that they wanted to have more than one child, but they weren't expecting it to be all at once. Though the news meant that they would have to alter their preparations, they took the shift as being for the better.
If they had adopted just one newborn, then the parents would have to go through the same process again later on. Now, they could have the big family they wanted right off the bat.
Getting Three Of Everything

Though having triplets would mean buying three times as many baby items, the couple was eager to get on board. After all, preparing for the newborns was far less expensive than going through in-vitro fertilization, so they knew they made the right call.
To top it off, the long process suddenly paid off more than they anticipated. While waiting several years to have one child may seem like a long time, waiting that long to have three seems like nothing.
The Triplets Arrived Three Weeks Early

Andy and Sarah were thrilled to meet their children, at last. The triplets were born eight weeks early, but it wasn't cause for alarm. Pregnancies with multiple babies often happen ahead of schedule, and each baby is typically smaller than in a single pregnancy.
Hannah, Joel, and Elizabeth were born weighing just three pounds each. The adorable babies were cute as can be and, most importantly, healthy. Still, the Justice's had yet another hurdle to get through.
The Newborns Had To Remain In The Hospital

Now that the triplets were born and the birth mother was still on track with the adoption, everything seemed to be finally official. There was just one last step before Andy and Sarah could take their children home.
The triplets had to stay in the hospital since they were born prematurely. It would take some time for the newborns to become strong enough to enter the world on their own. They grew stronger every day, but it was Sarah who began feeling weaker.
A Week After The Birth, Sarah Became Sick

Sarah and Andy were finally parents and had their newborns right before them. Just a week later, though, Sarah began feeling sick. It was as though their long journey had taken a physical toll on the new mom.
This didn't seem like very good news, and Sarah wanted to have all of her strength to care for three new babies. So, she went to the doctor to make sure everything was okay. What he revealed left her and Andy stunned.
Sarah Was Pregnant!

After several years of trying to conceive, the possibility had drifted from Andy and Sarah's minds. They were now focused on putting all of their love and efforts into these newborn triplets!
That's what made the news that Sarah was finally pregnant so shocking! The couple had finally accepted that they were meant to be adoptive parents rather than birth parents, and now they were going to be both! Then they discovered something even more surprising.
Sarah And Andy Had Conceived Twins!

It was unbelievable enough that the couple would have one child on the way while raising newborn triplets, but then the news got even wilder. The doctor revealed that Sarah was actually pregnant with twins!
The couple was going to go from a household of two to one of seven! All of a sudden, they had not one child to care for, but five! Sarah and Andy couldn't believe their luck. It seemed they really were meant to adopt these triplets all along.
Raising Newborns While Experiencing First-Time Pregnancy

For many couples, they experience pregnancy before they raise newborns for the first time. In Sarah and Andy's case, it was reversed. To top it off, both experiences involved multiples.
As overwhelming as the experience seemed, the Justices handled the challenge surprisingly well. After all, they got everything they dreamed of and more. The thrill of it all kept them pushing on through the tougher times. They kept the mindset that they were getting all they had waiting for over the years.
Five Children All Under One-Years-Old

Before Hannah, Joel, and Elizabeth even turned one-years-old, Sarah went into labor. She birthed two healthy twins named Andrew and Abigail. Of all their children, only two were identical, and that was Hannah and Elizabeth.
The couple now had two boys and three girls, all that are healthy and incredibly close in age. Since Sarah and Andy already had several months of practice raising multiple newborns, they knew just what to do with their biological twins.
It Took A Village To Raise These Five Children

They say it takes a village to raise a child. In Sarah and Andy's case, they had five children all close to the same age, so they needed all the help they could get. Family and friends did all they could, and Sarah's church even stepped in to help.
The church community provided the family with donated food, cooked meals, and baby formula to help them stay afloat. Then something even more incredible happened to them.
People From All Over Oklahoma Started Donating

It was moving to the Justices just to see their family and friends put forth so much effort, but then the church community joined in, and then the rest of the state did too! People from all over Oklahoma started sending the family anything they could afford.
Since their story was so miraculous, it spread rapidly. Before long, complete strangers were sending the family diapers, clothes, blankets, and bottles. After all, they were going through these items at five times the rate.
They Had A Trick For Telling The Babies Apart

Though most of the children were fraternal and half weren't even biologically related, they all had similar features, especially in the early years. To tell which baby was which, the Justices would paint their toenails different colors depending on the child.
As the children grew older, they all began developing more distinct features, so the trick was no longer needed. Still, it's a smart idea, especially when you have two incredibly sleep-deprived parents.
They Gained Even More Popularity After This Happened

Sarah and Andy's story was so surprising that it gained attention on social media. The same way that their family's popularity grew in their home state, it also spread throughout the nation as their tale went viral.
Over the first few years of their children's lives, the Justice's story continued to circulate the internet. But there was one more plot twist that would make their journey even more unbelievable. Just when they thought their family was complete, this happened.
Sarah Was Pregnant With A Boy!

After all of the twists and turns Sarah and Andy had experienced, it should come as no surprise that there was yet another surprise on the way. Sarah discovered that she was pregnant yet again!
This time, it was just one bun in the oven. Still, it seemed meant to be, because that baby was a boy! This meant that Sarah and Andy would have exactly three girls and three boys. It also meant that they started with three newborns, then had two more, then had one!
Having A Newborn Plus Toddlers

Since the Justice's had already experienced having newborn triplets, followed by newborn twins, only having one newborn to take care of would be a breeze. For many parents, a newborn is a major feat, but this couple had a unique experience to prepare them.
At the same time, they would have a newborn in the midst of also raising five toddlers. This would bring different challenges than many other families face. But as we've seen, the Justice's handle whatever hurdle comes their way.
Having Six Little Ones Was Especially Difficult

The Justices now had a family of eight! Many people who have six children space out the siblings so that the older ones can help out with the younger kids. Since Sarah and Andy had multiples back-to-back, they didn't have this luxury.
All of their children were pre-schoolers and under, so the kids were heavily dependent on their parents at the same time. To top it off, since many of them were different ages, they were at various stages that the couple had to stay on top of.
Caleb Arrived At Just The Right Time

When Sarah and Andy's youngest, Caleb, was born, the older siblings were all around three-years-old. This was perfect because they were just old enough to be done nursing and were all about potty-trained.
Since diapers and feedings are two of the most time-consuming chores that come with newborns, Sarah and Andy could rest a little more easily. The only one in the house who needed that particular attention was Caleb, which was a breeze after doing it with five kids at once.
Five Children Transitioned To Toddler Beds At Once

Though the older five no longer had to nurse or wear diapers, they did have unique challenges that the Justice's had to learn how to navigate. One example was going from cribs to toddler beds.
To make it a little easier, the Justices transitioned the twins and the triplets at the same time. While it mitigated some sibling rivalry, it did mean that the parents had a handful of children who could get out of bed on their own, or worse, fall out.
They Met Their Challenges With Appreciation

Though Sarah and Andy's six children proved to be uniquely challenging, they never lost sight of how fortunate they were. Sarah told Babyology, "When you wait for something you appreciate it that much more when you get it."
After several years of ups and downs, the Justices found themselves parenting more bundles of joy than they could have imagined. At the end of even the hardest days, they still had a home full of love.
Schedules Are Vital To The Justices

Any parent can tell you that keeping a schedule makes a huge impact on little ones. This is especially true for big families, which can be overwhelming for everyone, not just the parents.
Keeping a routine made it easier for all six children to become comfortable with their day-to-day. The family starts the day with a morning walk, then spends some time with family and friends before taking care of chores in the evening.
Potty Breaks Are Imperative Part Of Their Routine

One of the most important parts of their day is a ton of potty breaks. Potty training your toddler is only half the battle. After that, it's the parents' job to encourage potty breaks so that accidents don't happen.
One accident can throw off any schedule, but five? You may as well forget about routine because you're going to have to constantly make adjustments. That's why Sarah says, "Potty breaks are a big part of our day when you have five children at the same life stage."
The Nice Thing About Them Being Close In Age

Though having six young children is a major challenge, one of the positives is that they all are very close to one another. Having a sibling that is around the same age provides a constant companion, and the Justice kids have five!
Even young Caleb is only a couple of years younger than the twins, so he'll have his older siblings around through most of his education. Sarah said, "Our children will always have a friend and will never need to feel lonely."
Caleb Is The Sweetheart Of The Family

While all of the children are undoubtedly cute and kindhearted, Caleb is the baby of them all and the older siblings adore him for it. Sarah even called the five older children Caleb's "fan club."
Being the youngest can be frustrating at times, especially when all the older kids get to drive a car or stay out late. Still, Caleb gets to revel in being the baby of the family. As Sarah put it "we cannot imagine life without the sweetest, most loved little guy in the world."
An Incredible Ending

Sarah and Andy's story looked bleak at first. They struggled to conceive and then to adopt. However, in the end, they grew their family from both methods, and it created a more beautiful life than they could have imagined.
Sarah told Babyology, "They bring a great deal of joy to our lives, and we enjoy watching them love life." The Justice's story goes to show that there's no telling what surprises lie ahead.
A New Beginning

In her early 30s, Katie Page was living in Alabama, yet was feeling unfulfilled. She was looking for a new beginning to get out of the rut she felt she was in. Her marriage had recently ended, and she felt completely lost.
It was a time she has described as the hardest in her entire life. She knew that the only thing she could do was to start over entirely, and despite having friends and opportunities in Alabama, she needed to get out.
Making Crucial Decisions

Even after her marriage had ended, she was aware that there were still opportunities that she could take advantage of. So, she decided to figure out which ones were worth examining.
With so many options in front of her, she was hesitant but knew that whatever she did would help the situation she was in. At least, she hoped. It was at that time that Katie received a job offer that seemed like the answer to her problems.
New Job, New Life

Katie took the job and moved to Colorado Springs, Colorado, where she started working as an integrated service manager for the construction company GE Johnson. She was feeling positive that she had made the right decision in order to turn her life around and accomplish some of the goals she had.
She ended up purchasing a four-bedroom home that required a lot of renovation. Katie commented that "The house was a large four-bedroom home. I told my friends at the time that it was meant for 'more,' even though I really didn’t know what ‘more’ meant at the time."
She Was Focusing On Self-Care

Renovating a home, no matter what size, is not cheap by any means. So, Katie decided that she would take on the job herself, keeping her busy, and giving her a purpose. She stated: "The house I bought would require extensive work to transform into my vision – and most of which I would have to do myself in order to afford it."
However, she was doing some self-reflecting at the time too recalling, “I remember literally looking in the mirror one day and sobbing at the woman I saw, and I knew that I was not the woman my heart desired to be.”
She Still Felt An Emptiness

Katie was well-aware that her decision to remodel her home herself would be a daunting task. It was no light remodel either, she would even have to replace the floors! While she felt fulfilled while working on the house and was keeping busy, she still felt that something in her life was missing.
It wasn't long before Katie received a letter in the mail that would change her life forever. She realized she had been presented with the opportunity of a lifetime that she wasn’t going to pass up.
Finding Religion

After moving to Colorado, Katie became a deeply religious person, joining a local church. On that fateful day, Katie received a letter from her church about a seminar they thought she would like to attend.
It was about the opportunity for her to become involved in a foster program for children in need. She wondered if this was the answer she was looking for, and the longer she thought about it, the more confident she became. So, she agreed to attend her church's seminar.
Everything Started To Add Up

In the events leading up to Katie receiving the letter, she had been focusing on becoming the woman that she wanted to be. She moved across the country, started a new job, and became involved with her church.
Yet, she still felt that there was more she could so, not just for herself, but for others. Katie figured that the foster program would be an excellent way to help, and would bring her the satisfaction she had longed for. Looking at all the space in her home, she knew she wanted to put it to good use.
She Needed Support

After deciding to attend the seminar, she knew that she would need to talk through everything before she made such a life-changing decision. So, she called the person that she trusts the most, her mom. If her mom agreed with her decision, Katie knew that it was definitely the right choice.
However, at first, her mom was caught off-guard with Katie's proposition. She couldn’t wrap her head around why Katie was interested in becoming a foster mom. Her mom was well aware of how difficult it is to raise children but agreed to attend the meeting with her.
It Was The Right Decision

After speaking with her mom, Katie was surer than ever that she had made the right decision to attend the seminar. Once she got, there, she felt more passionate than ever about everything. She knew this was exactly what she needed.
During the presentation Katie learned the ins-and-outs of what it meat to be a foster parent, becoming inspired by the many stories she heard from those already involved with the program. Of course, she was also nervous, but this was a huge decision!
Something To Look Forward To

At this point, Katie had done just about everything to turn her life around. She moved to a new city, started a new job, joined a new church, and was fixing up her house! Now, she had this to look forward too!
Before receiving the letter from her church, she had never even considered being a foster mom. Now, she wouldn't stop thinking about it. Yet, that doesn’t mean she dove in head first. She knew what a big decision it was and didn’t want to mess it up right out of the gate.
She Was Diligent Before Making Ger Final Decision

Although Katie believed that being a foster mother was her calling in life, she was also aware of how much time and dedication it takes. This led her to feel both excited and anxious about the whole thing.
On top of that, she hoped that she would even be able to meet the requirements! She poured over the documents and looked at all the options available. After a final discussion with her family and friends, she decided she was going to do it!
She Completed Her Application

On Mother's Day, 2015, Katie completed and submitted her application for the foster program. After taking the proper amount of time to think things through, she knew she had made the right choice. With each step she completed in the program, she was feeling more and more fulfilled.
As she became more involved with the program, she also learned about all the ways she would be helping these children in need, only solidifying her feelings. Even though she was still scared, she wasn’t going to back down.
She Was A Certified Foster Mom

After completing the application process and the necessary training, Katie was a full-time foster mom. Her first few cases weren't infants either, but children who needed temporary housing after a traumatic event.
She cared for each child with all of her heart, providing them with whatever they needed while simultaneously being there for them emotionally. While she took her job incredibly seriously, over time, she began to feel that she wanted to be more than just a foster parent.
She Was A Natural

During her time as a foster mom, Katie had the opportunity to help four children in need. After just her first case, Katie knew that she was meant to help these children. Not only that, but she turned out to be a natural at parenting, making being a foster mom not even feel like a job.
While she was content with being a foster parent, another feeling began to grow inside of her. She started to think that she wanted to become an actual mother herself.
She Wanted Her Own Child

Not long after becoming a foster mom, Katie found herself wanting to adopt a child of her own. She had worked with young children that had grown up in abusive situations, however, they never stayed for long. So, she decided she wanted a child that she would never have to say goodbye to.
However, things were about to quickly get serious. Her next case would be unlike anything she had experienced before and would test if she thought she could take on full-time motherhood.
The Opportunity To Help A Newborn

Soon enough, Katie received a call from the foster program about a specific case. A mother had abandoned her child after giving birth to a baby boy at a nearby hospital and the hospital reached out to Katie to help care for him. Katie was currently fostering a 14-month infant but had never cared for a newborn.
Even though caring for these two babies would prove to be a challenge, she also didn't have a choice. The child needed help as soon as possible. The child was just four days old and had already gone through so much.
His Age Wasn't The Only Factor

After being discovered at the hospital's front door at just four days old, the poor baby needed help, and fast. As if his young age wasn’t bad enough, doctors soon discovered that the baby had been exposed to drugs in the womb.
Fortunately, after some tests, it was announced that the drugs would not have long-term effects on the child. But still, the newborn would experience withdrawal symptoms. Katie wasn’t prepared for this type of responsibility but knew it was something that she had to do.
Rising To The Occasion

Even though Katie was already taking care of a 14-month-old, she knew that she would need to give everything she had to care for this new and suffering baby. However, she knew that she needed to call her mother first, to give her some much-needed support.
Katie asked her mother if she could come and stay at her house to take care of the babies. Her mother agreed immediately. Within a day, Katie had moved into her mom's house, something she is eternally grateful for.
She Named The Newborn

Considering that the baby had been abandoned at four days old, he didn't have a name, at least not yet. Katie decided to give him her favorite boy’s name, 'Grayson’ because by God’s grace she now had a son.
Katie had fallen in love with Grayson the second she had laid eyes on him and felt a connection that she couldn’t explain. She slowly began to realize that the feeling was true motherhood and she wanted to raise the boy as her own.
Looking For Answers

Since Katie had been caring for Grayson since he was just four days old, he had earned a special place in her heart. Katie and her mother looked after Grayson for 11 months while a social worker looked for his biological parents.
However, nothing came up in their search, except his mother's first name and date of birth, which was left on a bracelet on Grayson at the hospital. They were desperately hoping that they would get answers soon.
Grayson Didn't Need Biological Parents To Be Loved

Unfortunately, it was clear that they weren't going to find out anything about Grayson’s past anytime soon. It broke Katie’s heart that nobody wanted to claim such an adorable and bright baby boy. As sad as it was, Katie also saw it as an opportunity.
It meant that it would make adopting Grayson incredibly easy, something she had been considering for some time. Yet, she dreaded the day when she would have to tell him the truth that nobody had claimed him. But she had a connection with him that she couldn’t ignore.
Katie Finally Adopted Grayson

It became increasingly clear to Katie that Grayson was destined to be her son. She had acted as his mother since almost his first day alive, so the only thing that would change would be some paperwork.
Katie also didn't feel guilty since they had done everything in their power to find his mother. She made the decision to adopt Grayson, making him the newest addition to the Page family. He had just turned 11 months old and Katie couldn’t be more in love.
A New Member Of The Family

Although Katie felt like everything was developing so quick, she couldn't be happier. On May 25, 2017, she officially became Grayson’s mother! Her dream of adopting the beautiful boy had finally come true and it felt so good to call him Grayson Page.
Even though Katie knew that she eventually wanted to expand her family further, for the time being, she was content with just Grayson. She wanted to give him her undivided attention for a little while.
Grayson Had To Overcome Some Hurdles

Unfortunately, Grayson had some issues as a result of his exposure to drugs while inside the womb. What he was experiencing was not uncommon for cases like his, they resulted in developmental and physical problems. One of the reasons Katie didn't adopt Grayson sooner was because she was too focused on getting him the proper care that he needed.
Yet, a couple of weeks after Grayson’s adoption was finalized, Katie received a call from the foster agency. They had a baby girl with similar issues to Grayson, and they needed her to take the baby in.
A Similar Situation

After receiving the phone call about the baby girl, Katie knew she needed to help once again, even though she had Grayson to worry about. However, after talking to a social worker, Katie felt like she was having Deja Vu.
The little girl was four days old and had been dropped off in front of the same hospital as Grayson. The child's mother had also been using drugs when she was pregnant. While Katie knew that it was hard work, it seemed like some kind of sign that she would be faced with a similar challenge.
Too Big Of A Coincidence

It wasn't a walk in the park by any means and Katie felt overwhelmed. Yet, the similarities between the newborn girl and Grayson kept her going. She felt like she was meant to care for both of the children at the same time.
After seeing what Grayson had gone through, she knew that she wouldn’t be able to live with herself if she hadn’t welcomed the little girl into her home. She even somehow saw some of Grayson in the girl, making her feel even more connected to the child.
She Never Had Any Regrets

After the little girl was finally settled in with Katie, she knew that she had made the right decision. She cared for the baby girl much like she had when Grayson first arrived in her home.
While the other baby Katie was fostering eventually found a home, it wasn't long before she had two children under her care once again. She had done it once before, so she knew that she would be able to do it again. It also helped that her mother was still willing to help!
The Little Girl Had Been Through A Lot

When the social worker arrived at Katie's doorstep with the baby, the two had a long discussion about the girl’s complicated case. The longer they talked, the more connections Katie made between the little girl and Grayson.
Much like Grayson, the social worker knew little to nothing about the girl’s past, and the two babies medical conditions were similar as well. As soon as she took the little girl in her arms, something caught her eye.
An Interesting Detail

Now, Katie was officially the mother of Grayson and the foster mom to the little girl. While performing her duties as a single mother, Katie couldn't help but notice unmissable coincidences between the two children both in how they acted and how they looked.
Katie thought she was crazy at first, but it turned out the girl’s birth mother had the same first name as Grayson’s. So, she decided to dig deeper and went to the hospital to look at Grayson’s discharge papers.
More Clues

Katie poured over every document that she could get her hands on about each of the children. She wanted concrete evidence before she would claim her suspicions to be true.
While researching, she discovered that the birthday for the girl's biological mother was just one day away from what Grayson’s had listed. Could the two babies have the same mother? Katie thought it was too big of a coincidence to be possible, but also something she couldn’t ignore.
Taking A Deeper Look

Now completely invested in uncovering the truth, Katie really got to work. After months of research and hypothesizing, she finally got in touch with the girl's mom and sat down to talk with her.
During their conversation, the mother admitted that she had indeed given birth to another child, prior to the little girl. She also claimed that she had given up the baby without any records so she couldn’t be traced.
Things Were Starting To Get Real

After some discussion, Katie convinced the woman to sit down with the children's caseworker to see if they were indeed siblings. Still, Katie couldn’t imagine it was possible that she ended up with siblings randomly.
Of course, she also knew that there was too much evidence for her to stop now. Katie commented, "There were features on the babies that were very similar. They both have a chin dimple and the other feature is one that only a mama would see because it’s covered by their diaper!"
The Call She Had Been Waiting For

Finally, Katie received a call from the children's caseworker. She had spoken with the suspected more and the caseworker said: "Katie, I think you’re right…" The social worker was equally as stunned and was sure to double check all of her evidence.
In the end, everything added up with the social worker saying, “Her story breaks my heart and I can’t believe it, but I am 90% sure you’re right and this is a miracle.”
The Final Piece Of Evidence

While the social worker claimed to be 90% positive, the next phone call confirmed their suspicions. She discovered that the two children were indeed siblings after she finally found the last name for both of their mothers. Amazingly, it was the same.
Neither Katie or the social worker could believe what they had uncovered. Not only did Grayson have a little sister, but they had both found their way into Katie's care! Katie now knew that everything had led up to this point.
The Next Step Was A DNA Test

Although Katie and even the social worker were fully convinced that the children were siblings, she wanted scientific proof. So, she took the children in for a DNA test, and the results were exactly what she thought.
The two shared the same genes which made Katie break down in tears of joy. It was obvious what Katie needed to do next and got straight to work on the paperwork needed to adopt the baby girl. There was no way she was going to let the siblings ever be separated again.
The Newest Addition

Katie knew there was a reason she was so drawn to the little girl when she first held her. After learning her true identity, she adopted the girl on December 28, 2018. She was now the proud mother of two siblings, and their story is nothing short of a miracle.
She named the girl Zoe Hannah Page and the two children bonded like any other two young siblings. However, they definitely aren't the same person. Grayson is a lot calmer than Hannah who has a lot of energy.
Katie Was Right When She Signed Up For The Program

Since Katie had first heard about the foster care program, she was drawn to it for a reason she couldn't explain, and now she knows why. After making her discovery, people praised her for solving the mystery about her two children even when social workers were doubtful at first.
She started out with little to no information, but her determination and love for her children proved to be worth it. Now, she has two beautiful children and quite the story to tell about their family!
Another Curveball

Katie eventually met her children's biological mother once again, only to discover that she was pregnant once again. To Katie’s dismay, she learned that the woman planned to do the same things she had done with her first two children.
Luckily, Katie learned of her plans beforehand and intends to adopt the child immediately after it’s born. Although this will add a whole new level of responsibility, she believes that all of the siblings should grow up together. She’s now taking the time before the baby’s born to prepare.
Katie Won't Leave A Sibling Behind

For a time, Katie thought that the children's birth mom was trying to take her children back. However, after seeing everything Katie had done for her children, and the love she has for them, she realized Katie is their true mother.
The siblings’ biological mother gave birth to a boy 13 months after Zoe was born and Katie is in the process of trying to adopt the child. Although Katie has not released any information about the newborn, she has every intention of being the mother of all three siblings.
Katie Couldn't Be Happier

Katie has had quite the journey since she first decided to move to Colorado Springs, but it all worked out in the long run. Yes, she had her ups and downs at times, but her determination to better her life and the lives of others brought her where she is today.
Now, she's the mother of two beautiful children, and hopefully soon a third! Her story shows how quickly your life can change if you’re willing to step out of your comfort zone and open your heart.