These Are The People That Make Going On Tinder Worth It

Ah, Tinder, the mobile app that has revolutionized the dating game. It’s made finding other single people very easy. It’s also been a major contributor to this “hook-up culture” that millennials have been labeled with, and it’s an argument that’s hard to argue with.

It’s also normalized getting rejected and making stupid mistakes. No longer do you have to say anything to anyone’s face when they annoy you — you can just tell them they look like Beetlejuice and be down with it. Luckily for you, this article has compiled all the best rejections and embarrassing mistakes people make on Tinder and it’s hilarious.

Maybe Leave That Out Until At Least The Second Message


I think the first rule of talking to someone for the first time is to not reveal too much. Look, we appreciate the honesty of saying that you have an STD in a humorous way. It’s like telling someone you slept with once and don’t talk to anymore that you’re carrying their baby so you tell them in a jingle.