Men Over Thirty Should Never, Ever Do These Things
Your 30’s are some of the best years of your life. They’re filled with more financial security, stability, and happiness than you had in your 20’s. However, if men want to make their 30’ss the best they can be, there are some things that they absolutely shouldn’t do!
Smoke Weed
I understand that everyone likes to have a little fun now and again, but smoking weed every day of every week will not only deter you from reaching your personal goals, but can also make people want to avoid you. Keep this behavior to a minimum, gentlemen.

Skip Exercise
People sometimes don’t have time to do a full blown Khloe Kardashian type of exercise, however simply choosing to take the stairs, instead of the elevator can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Most of the time, exercise isn’t just for improving the gut, but also helping your heart later in life.

Eat Fast Food
It’s convenient, but it’s disgusting. Quit it with the fast food. Not only will it make you bloat, but it will also make your wallet shrink. If you are craving a burger, hit up the grocery store and buy fresh ground beef that will last a week! Don’t dish out all of your money on McBucket when you can eat healthier and more frugally somewhere else.

Live With A Roommate
The most important thing that people, specifically men in their 30’s, should do is live alone. The time you get to spend living alone will help you mature and allow you to learn how to take care of yourself. This rule may change if you are living with your significant other, because well, that’s just cute.

Not Pay On The First Date
Do not give me the whole, “well, girls say they want to pay on the first date.” Sorry buddy, but that’s not exactly how it works! If you are trying to impress a lady, simply offering to pay on the first date will show that you care and that you’re interested in more than here backside. If she let’s you pay, well that’s up to her, isn’t it?

Date A MUCH Younger Woman
Guys, we know the appeal of the younger female is exceptionally strong, but don’t do it. A lady who is fifteen to ten years younger than you won’t be thinking about marriage or kids the way that you are. She also will not be financially as stable as you are if she is just graduating or working in an entry level position. Take your time and you might find someone your own age who might tickle your fancy.

Bling Bling It Out
Do not wear fake chains or Ed Hardy. Not only do these trends looks tacky, but they also look like you’re trying to hard. Oh, and be sure to throw out those jeans with the bedazzled dragon on them.

Not Have A Preferred Drink
Every self-sufficient man should have a drink of choice, no matter what. This is a vital staple in becoming an adult where you know that if suddenly you get asked to drinks with your boss or the girl of your dreams, you’ll be ready with your decision. Also, you’ll feel like James Bond when you order the same thing everywhere you go. Shaken not stirred.

Drink Liquor That A Freshman In College Drinks
If you’re still drinking Natty Light or Smirnoff Ice to get drunk ,then you’ve completely missed a key part of drinking as an adult. You’re supposed to enjoy it! As an adult, the appeal of getting wasted of your rump should be dying down, and you should want to find an alcohol that you actually enjoy the taste of.

Have A Wallet That Is Literally Falling Apart
Going on a date and pulling out your crusty old wallet is both embarrassing and a hazard — you might lose some credit cards through the holes. Treat yourself to a leather wallet or one that just holds all of your cards. Nothing with Velcro, gentlemen.

Not Own A Suit
Every man needs a good suit, no matter what job that you have. What would happen if you get invited to a wedding or a special event, and you have to show up in your chubbies and boat shoes?

Not Own A Really Nice Suit
It’s a staple. This is the male version of the Little Black Dress and its one of the things you just have to cave to.

Not Know How To Tie A Tie
This goes along with the suit. Dressing up is annoying, I understand that. However, if you need to dress up for any type of event, you definitely want to look your best. Being a sloppy dresser was so for your 20’s.

Have A Guy’s Night Out
Of course you can hang out with the guys, but having a designated, “guys out” is just an excuse to do dumb things. Guys nights out will ultimately just turn into The Hangover, but without a happy ending. Getting wasted and sleeping on your bro’s couch shouldn’t be the highlight of your week, or month, or ever.

Complain About Your Significant Other’s Family
Yes you may feel that you and your significant other are close, and their family feels like your family, but they’re not. You as a man and a respectable individual should not be making comments about your girlfriend or boyfriend’s parents or grandparents. Not only is this childish, but also completely wrong as a human.

Not Know How To Make One Good Dish
If the only dish you know how to make is cereal, you’re gonna have some serious problems. Every man should know how to cook at least one meat, pasta, and fish dish for someone else. This not only allows you to impress whomever you are cooking for, but also allows you to feed yourself. Don’t just lower your own cooking expectations because it’s easy.

Not Know How To Do Laundry
You’re going to smell. People will be able to smell you. This one is obvious.

Text Instead Of Call
Calling someone can create anxiety, but texting limits a personal connection with the person on the other line. In today’s society, we never truly get to have a lot of personal talking time with people, so don’t take the easy way out. If you have to ask your mom a question, call her instead of just shooting over a text that’s in almost unrecognizable English. Calling is timeless.

Forget Your Significant Other’s Birthday or Anniversary
This is just mean. If you are in a relationship, the least you can do is remember their birthday or your anniversary. A card or flowers can go a long way, so don’t feel pressured to buy them the most extravagant gift. This simple remembrance can bring a lot of joy and trust to the relationship. You have a calendar; use it.

Get Into Fights With Strangers
If you’re the type of guy to get road rage or to yell at someone that bumps you on the subway, this particular point is for you. Take it easy, man! Losing your cool when it comes to strangers only shows you that you have some unresolved issues in your own life. Maybe your job is stressing you out or your relationship needs some desperate TLC? Whatever it is, don’t take it out on strangers like a schoolboy.

Get Into Fights With Loved Ones
Fighting with your relatives should be left in middle school. As a 30 something year old, your parents have done all that they could to be there for you and help you. If you have some bad blood, now is the time to act like the mature adult you are and simply forgive. Sometimes it’s hard to believe that parents are people that makes mistakes too.

If you are a manager or in a position of power at your job, you have to be aware of your tone with your female colleagues. This means speak to everyone with the same amount of respect, no matter what gender. If you find yourself talking down to a women or trying to explain to her something like she was a five year old, you are mansplaining. Quit it!

Use Posters To Decorate Your Apartment
Your apartment is no longer your dorm room, however there can be some exceptions to this rule. Covering your walls with Scarface posters, no. Having a well placed and timeless classic poster like Casablanca hanging up in your living room — yeah okay.

Go To Clubs
I hate to say this, but if you’re trying to find your soulmate in the club, you’re way too old for that. When your in your 30’s, you should looking for a partner that shares common interests, like business, work, art, and music. If your only thing in common is that you decided to drunk dance with each other while Rihanna played in the background, that might not be the foundation for a great relationship.

Not Call Your Parents Or Older Relatives
You’re getting older in your 30’s and you might be able to connect with your parents or older relatives on a much better scale. You’ll have way more things to talk about, such as real-world experiences, instead of just fighting like how you used to when you were a teenager. Take the opportunity to bond with them when you are both adults.

Wear Jorts Or Shorts That Come To The Mid Calf
You’re not a middle school boy. If you have to wear shorts, wear tailored shorts that actually fit your body so you’re not drowning in fabric around your calves. Also, denim shorts on a guy should never be permitted.

Wear A Fedora When You’re Not An Actor In A Crime Movie
Wearing a fedora is just plain weird. Is it a cowboy hat, are you a gangster? No one can tell. This hat of choice is ridiculous looking and gives you the style of a worn-out Al Pacino. If you have to wear a hat that’s not a baseball hat, maybe just wear it in the house.

Hook Up Just To “Get Some”
By this age, you should definitely be done with just having meaningless flings. At the end of the day, if you’re hooking up with random people, the only person that will get hurt is yourself. Being intimate with multiple ladies is also dangerous for both her health and yours. Intimacy when you’re in your 30’s should be with someone that you care about.

Call A Woman A Derogatory Name
If you are accustomed to using the B or dare I say it, the C word, you are not only a terrible person, but an immature one. Calling a woman by one of these names is not only rude, but it makes you look bad. You’re not in high school anymore, when swearing could get you friends and a laugh. Have a little respect for the females, my friend.

Not Commit To A Job
When you’re 30, jumping from job to job can be tiring, but also costly. Finding stability in anything is good for your overall happiness and moods, so find a job that you can find comfort in, rather than hate to be at.

Wear Clothes That Aren’t Tailored
Wearing clothes that aren’t tailored is just plain sloppy. You look awful, you’ll feel weird, and also it’s just plain unprofessional. The old standby line is, “dress for the job you want, not the job you have.” Keep this in mind when buying pants or shirts.

Hang Out With People Much Younger Than You
The mindset of a 15-year-old is incredibly different from the mindset of a 25-year-old. This is also the same with a 35-year-old and a 25-year-old. When you hang out with people that are much younger than you, you are not challenging yourself and are actually hurting your work ethic. Try to hang out with people who challenge you to be a better you and who share your goals.

Talk About How Much Money You Have
This is just a given. People will always be able to tell that you are either lying or are trying too hard. Let your happiness, attitude, and aura show people that you are succeeding in life.

Talk About Your Financial Woes
Again, desperation. If you are in a bit of problematic situation and you need some financial aid, ask a close friend in private. Do not ever just make it common knowledge that you don’t have money.

Make Your Parents Pay For Anything
When you’re in your 20’s, you are bound to still have the mindset of a child and you might be in need of your parents’ help. However, when you’re in your 30’s, you shouldn’t be in debt to anyone, including your parents. By your 30’s you should be reaping the rewards of hard work, and have stability enough to be, as close to as possible, debt-free.

Think Only Of Yourself During Intimacy
In order to be close to anyone sexually or romantically, sometimes you have to put their needs ahead of your own. This will create a closer bond between you and your partner. It’s also the more chivalrous thing to do.

Cheat On Your Partner
Cheating is an immature game. If you have fallen out of love with your partner or you feel that the relationship is not working, you have to have enough strength and courage to be able to tell them honestly. Don’t lead someone on just to avoid hurting them.

Have A Side Chick
Does this really need an explanation? Having a side chick is the lowest of all lows. If you can’t commit to one woman, don’t commit at all.

Neglect Your Health
The best piece of advice that I ever got was, “if you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything.” None of your dreams will come true if you get sick or engage in activities that could put your body or your mind at risk.

Put Off Your Personal Goals
Your 30’s are a magical time of self discovery and self love. However, don’t get too caught up in making money or pursuing a relationship that you forget about yourself. During this time, be sure to take some chances on projects and people that make you happy.